One of the Coolest Python Libraries You Have Ever Seen
Thanks to Ismael Araujo for pointing us to this cool library! :: A few weeks ago, I posted a blog about Bamboolib that became quite popular. The blog was very well received, achieving tens of thousands of views in the first week. And after that, I had planned to write about other Data Science-related subjects and was going to avoid writing about Python libraries for some time unless I had found something awe-inspiring. Well, I found it, and it’s called Mito.
I heard about Mito a while ago but never had the chance to test it out, but recently I decided to give it a try, and it’s impressive! But before anything, a little note: this is not sponsored content. I’m saying this because some developers have reached out to me in the past few weeks asking if I would do a paid partnership, so if you are one of those folks, I don’t do any kind of paid partnerships. However, I do accept suggestions of subjects to write about. Now, let’s go back to Mito.
Mito — save hours of work with a few clicks
Mito is a Python library that helps you perform data preparation, data cleaning, transformation, exploratory data analysis, creating graphs, etc. Through a GUI, you can get a lot done with just one or two lines of codes and a few clicks. They tried to create a similar experience as if you were using Microsoft Excel. Mito and Bamboolib (another Python library) have many similarities, such as having a GUI to make it easier for people to perform tasks, and they both create Python codes that you can copy and use anywhere, even if you don’t have Mito installed.