Teachings of the Buddha

In memory of Mitch. Hey, das Moocher! Man, were you a big, fat, wonderful part of the best times of my life—from high school through our first Durban rage, all the Cape Town jols, varsity, and the mega Africa trips that changed our lives. We took an oath at Lake Bangweulu to leave the city for good, and we stayed true to that oath. It changed my life irrevocably, and I think yours too. In your case, I strongly believe you would have always ended up on the path you did, but boy, did we have a helluva lot of fun finding our respective paths along the way, Mr Legend. Thank you for those innumerable brilliant times and shared experiences. I can't really think about most of them without a massively broad grin, mate.

Some friends may feel that you and I grew distant over the years. I didn't feel like that at all and still don't. I don't think you did either. Your road was always this. I knew where you were, and I knew what path you were on, and I had the utmost admiration and respect for it. I think you knew that too. We didn't need to talk or see each other. I was just glad you were in the world. And now that you've dissolved like a snowflake in the pure air, I will think of you often, but never with sadness, always with a smile.

Further on, my brother, let's have a good catch-up in the next Bardo! I loved you and I love you, lots. Goodbye, old friend.

Acknowledgement and thanks to:: Jack Kornfield
Nov. 21, 2023