The Top 20 Scientific Discoveries of the Decade

The last decade has seemed pretty dark: sociologically, politically, environmentally. Thanks to the gods for Science. Yeah Science! It never stops moving forward. And thanks to NG for this article, they never stop moving forward either. AS THE 2010S come to an end, we can look back on an era rife with discovery. In the past 10 years, scientists around the world made remarkable progress toward understanding the human body, our planet, and the cosmos that surrounds us. What’s more, science in the 2010s became more global and collaborative than ever before. These days, major breakthroughs are likelier to come from groups of 3,000 scientists than groups of three.

So much has happened, thanks to so many, that National Geographic’s writers and editors decided not to whittle down the last decade into just a handful of discoveries. Instead, we’ve put our heads together to identify 20 trends and milestones that we found especially noteworthy, and that we think will set the stage for more amazing finds in the decade to come.

Acknowledgement and thanks to:: National Geographic
Dec. 6, 2019